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Marika Rökk, superstar German Second World War generation

Writer's picture: Mr. FoxMr. Fox

Updated: Oct 3, 2019

From the motion picture 'Kora Terry' 1940
Wenn es Fruhling wird by Marika Rökk

During my research for the development of the German Sheet Music part of the website, I found some interesting material about the Hungarian dancing- and revue star Marika Rökk (Caïro, 1913 – Baden (Vienna) 2004).

In her days of fame she was an operetta star and dancing phenomenon. She followed her education as a dancer in Budapest, the Moulin Rouge (Paris) and on Broadway (New-York). She also was the very best alternative during World War 2 for the German Nazi propaganda machinery in their race and rivalry between the German film industry (UFA) and the Hollywood productions with stars like Ginger Rogers and Rita Hayworth. I also found a very interesting German documentary about her life and professional career, unfortunately without a translation in English. After the war she had a short 'Berufsverbot' and was rehabilitated in 1947. New research showed an other Marika Rökk, recruited in 1940 by the Russians as a spy. She also had a short affair with Joseph Goebbels, the minister of propaganda of the German Reich. It is assumable that she used the gathered information to inform the Russians about the German invasion and occupation of Russia.

The operetta genre was very popular to millions of people who would like to escape from the hard reality of war and suffering. The motion picture 'Kora Terry' (1940) , the first German Agfacolor motion picture 'Women are better diplomats' ( Frauen sind doch bessere Diplomaten ) and 'The Woman of My Dreams (1944)' were the great successes in Germany during the war. This success was also owed to two composers and music arrangers she worked with 'Peter Kreuder' and Franz Grothe.

Clicking the page above you'll find more information about available music sheets, for example 'Wenn es Frühling wird' from the motion picture 'Kora Terry'.

For other partitions, search under 'performers' in the Menu 'Shop Berlin' for Marika Rökk.


The dancing quality of Marika Rökk from the motion picture 'Kora Terry:'

The singing quality of Marika Rökk, 'Wenn es Frühling wird' from the motion picture 'Kora Terry:'

Watch the documentary Marika Rökk 'Die lebende Legende', produced as a tribute to her career at her 80th birthday in 1993:

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